I haven’t posted much information about my current projects because, well, it’s the Christmas Season, and there is a possibility (albeit slight) that some gift recipients are current readers of this blog, and I don’t want to spoil the surprise! I guess that doesn’t do my readers much good, huh, to know they aren’t likely getting any gifts? πŸ™‚

Something I have been working on here and there are some larger diaper covers. I only technically bought the 8-15 lb range or so, and she’s probably 14+ right now, so we’ve been using some of my homemade ones.

It’s not too hard really; I have all the crazy fabric required for these things, and making an pattern off an existing cover is pretty easy.

Here are some I’ve completed:

I made these while waiting for her, so they’re the I think it’s a boy colors…

Oooo look! Laundry tabs!
I made a couple autumn-themed covers. SO fashionable! This one was based on Bummis Super Whisper Wrap, with fold-over-elastic to edge most of it.

Here’s another Bummis copy; (enlarged) one of my holiday themed covers. It’s the deluxe version, lined with a layer of crushed Panne. It’s also turned-and-topstitched. This offers protection against any PUL-skin contact, but working with that panne stuff was horrific. So slippery! Next time I’ll need to work it differently, I think.

So, that’s a bit of what I’ve done this past month in the sewing room. Perhaps I’ll spend January doing a show-and-tell-all…